
Contend Leadership Summit

CLS is a three-day family gathering where you will hear from national and global leaders to gain understanding on the times we live in. You will also receive teachings and practicals on fasting, prayer, intercession, revival, and biblical worldview.

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Our Process

Training & Outreach

Phase 1


- Biblical Exposition and Worldview
- Leadership Activation and Character Development
- Lifestyle of Prayer and Fasting
- Pioneering Youth Movements
Phase 2


- Campus and City Tours in America and Overseas
- International and Domestic Prayer Strikes
- Weekend Trips and Trainings

Break Down

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When God wants to do something extraordinary in a nation, He takes ordinary men and women He sets them apart and He sets them on fire.

Student Life

The Students' Daily Rhythm has been intentionally structured around the following principles: Biblical instruction, loving community, and intensive watches of prayer. The schedule is designed not only to develop individuals, but a team who will grow in God and one another.Community life is an essential component of Student Life. Students are not just part of an instructional and outreach setting, but are situated in the context of a spiritual family. Not only will Students be placed in Small Groups for intimate reflection and relationships, but will be surrounded mothers and fathers in the larger spiritual family as well.

Rigorous Discipleship

As a leadership, we know the price of advancing the Kingdom. Therefore we consider it our obligation to prepare students to overcome the great challenges in our nation and the nations of the earth. Our program is founded upon Biblical teaching, along with experiential and transformational training on the principles and practicals of leadership and prayer. Our discipleship process includes students becoming grounded in the Word of God, a strong sense of their personal union with Christ, and the practical applications of sacrificial, community life. For those willing to give themselves wholeheartedly to God and His processes in this consecrated season of their lives, we believe that you will find that you will grow, mature, and walk in faith that is beyond anything you could think or imagine.

Prospective Students

Because the very mandate of SAFA is demanding in nature, the application process is selective. Our leadership team seeks to operate in a spirit of gracious and loving discernment, and realize that not every person may be called or suited to join SAFA. SAFA is not designed to provide the proper resources for rehabilitation or extended counseling to overcome lifetime sins, deep wounding, or dire life circumstances. That said, prospective students should not disqualify themselves prematurely; we encourage all who are moved by God to apply. We recognize and rejoice that God's greatest works have been through weak men and women.


The global vision of Contend SAFA School is to penetrate the hardest and darkest places in the world through fasting and prayer, in order to establish the supremacy and the Lordship of Jesus Christ. This is our commitment: to expand these efforts into every nation until every tribe and tongue confess that Jesus is Lord.

Past Speakers

Lou Engle

Lou Engle is an intercessor for revival, and the visionary co-founder of TheCall, a prayer and fasting movement responsible for gathering hundreds of thousands around the globe. He has been involved in church planting, establishing prayer movements and strategic houses of prayer. 

David Kim 

David and Audry are the Directors of Contend, and served for a decade under Lou Engle and TheCall. For the past decade, they have dedicated their lives to mobilizing prayer movements, and training young leaders. Their hearts are to see revival, reformation and missions in their generation.

Allen Hood

Allen Hood served as the Associate Director of the IHOPKC Mission Base and as the President of IHOPU. In January 2019, Allen founded the Excellencies of Christ Ministries, which exists to proclaim the excellencies of Christ to the ends of the earth and to disciple the body of Christ.

Matt Lockett

Matt Lockett is the Executive Director of the JHOP DC located right on Capitol Hill in Washington, and also oversees Bound4LIFE International. His passion is to help father a young, consecrated generation that will usher justice into the earth. Matt travels and speaks on the topics of prayer, fasting and governmental intercession.

Will And Dehaviland Ford

Will Ford III is the Director of the Marketplace Leadership Major at Christ For The Nations Institute in Dallas, TX and is the founder of Hilkiah Ministries. Many know him internationally, however, for his family heirloom passed down through history, and its connection to slavery and prayer for freedom. Dehavilland Ford serves as the primary visionary, with her husband Will, of The 818 The Sign Movement, which is committed to seeing revival and reformation sweep through the inner cities and all of America.

Benji Nolot

Benjamin Nolot is an American filmmaker and the CEO and founder of Exodus Cry, a faith-based social activist group focused on the issue of human trafficking. He was previously part of the International House of Prayer (IHOP) ministry.

Thai Lam

Thai is part of the leadership team of the IHOPKC, and serves as the national director of Luke18 Project. He is committed to calling a generation to wholehearted love, allegiance, and pursuit of Jesus. Thai has pioneered & led campus ministries for 20 years, and serves on the leadership team of the Collegiate Day of Prayer.

Todd McDowell

Todd McDowell is the director of Caleb Global, a prayer-centered community called to honor Israel and empower leaders to transform nations. Their vision is to ignite revival in Israel, the Middle East, and the nations through equipping believers, sharing the gospel, serving the poor, and partnering with indigenous believers.

Benjamin Atkinson

Ben Atkinson is the founder of Holy Clubs, a ministry to strengthen and build up the body of Christ. After years at IHOPKC, he planted a prayer room in Richmond, VA and is now leading prayer movements in Raleigh, North Carolina.

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J.T. Thomas
Blog Author
Stan Parks
Blog Author
Contend Team
Blog Author
Matt Lockett
Blog Author
Spiritual Father
Lou Engle
Blog Author
President & Founders
David & Audry Kim
Blog Author
Executive Media Producer
Samuel Yongbo Kwon
Blog Author
Art Director
Stephenny Lou
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School Director
David & Kendra Blalock
Blog Author
School Administrator
Andres & Kennady Ramirez
Blog Author
Resources & Publications Director
Michael & Hannah Allen
Blog Author
Community Leaders
Steve & Samantha Allen
Blog Author
Community Leaders
Grahm & Sarah Foster
Blog Author