Moravian Revival - Day 30

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February 17, 2020

The young man said to Him, “All these things I have kept; what am I still lacking?” Jesus said to him, “If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” MATTHEW 19:20-21

The Moravian Revival and the Missions Movement that followed was perhaps one of the greatest thrusts of Kingdom activity in all of history. A small community of refugees, led by a man named Count Zinzendorf, sustained a 100-year prayer meeting, a fervent community of worship and love, and launched the greatest missions movement since the early Church.

In the chaos and fracture of the 30-Year War in Europe, where Protestant, Catholic, and politicians fought in one of the worst persecutions in Europe, a small community of the Moravians fled to the lands of a man named Count Zinzendorf. Born into wealth and influence, Zinzendorf felt called to pastor and lead this group, ultimately forsaking his titles at the courts and expending most of his finances for this cause. For this reason, many have referred to him as the rich young ruler who said yes.

On August 13, 1727, the Holy Spirit descended upon this entire community. Services were extended. Such nearness of God was present that people “hardly [knew] whether they belonged to earth or had already gone to Heaven.” This is what is now referred to as the Moravian Pentecost.

From this womb, the Moravians gave themselves to continuous prayer (at least two by two every hour, at any given part of the day) for the next 100 years. For the next century, the Moravian missions movement became the largest thrust of the Gospel since the early Church; only to be surpassed by the Student Volunteer Missions Movement. When called the Father of Modern Missions, the great William Carey protested and pointed to Count Zinzendorf.

Johann Dober and David Nitschmann were two young Moravians who heard of a slave colony in the West Indies, wherein which the owner of the island refused to let any Christian missionaries in. Provoked in their hearts, the two brothers were willing to go so far, as even to sell themselves into slavery if necessary, that they might preach the Gospel to these slaves. As their families and friends were watching them depart from the shore, they declared: “May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of His suffering.” It became the rallying cry of the Moravian Missions Movement.

Pray for the Lord to send another Pentecost like He did amongst the Moravians.

Pray for believers on campus to be gripped by the worth of Jesus just like the Moravians.

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